Events and Invitations


19 Dec
Seminar “Defensible Network Architectures: Ensuring Security in Modern Network In-frastructure”
Protecting modern network infrastructure against cyberattacks is becoming increasingly difficult due to its complex and ever-changing nature. Developing a comprehensive approach known as defensible network architecture is essential to address this challenge. This approach is based on several fundamental principles, including defense in depth, zero trust, segmentation, micro-segmentation, and automation.
14 Dec
Seminar “Design and Evaluation of a Button Sensor Antenna for On-Body Monitoring Activity in Healthcare Applications”
A button sensor antenna for on-body monitoring in wireless body area network systems is presented. Due to the close coupling between the sensor antenna and the human body, it is highly challenging to design sensor antenna devices. In this report, a mechanically robust system is proposed that integrates a dual-band button antenna with a wireless sensor module designed on a printed circuit board.
12 Dec
Seminar “Investigating the Placement of a MEC Application with Dynamic Cost”
The integration of 5G technologies is becoming a must for mobile network operations (MNOs) to remain efficient in the marketplace and efficiently Multi-access edge computing (MEC) is one of the key elements of solving critical problems in telecommunications. Optimizing application placement in MEC-based networks requires including as many options as possible for better deployment.
12 Dec
Seminar “Advancements in core network intelligence and planning for new radio technology”
The integration of 5G technologies is becoming a must for mobile network operations (MNOs) to remain efficient in the marketplace and efficiently Multi-access edge computing (MEC) is one of the key elements of solving critical problems in telecommunications. Optimizing application placement in MEC-based networks requires including as many options as possible for better deployment.