ХVII International symposium on psycholinguistics and communication theory “Theory of speech activity: practices and experiment”

ХVII International symposium on psycholinguistics and communication theory “Theory of speech activity: practices and experiment”

The event passed
24 - 26 May 2016
About the event

May 24-26, the Faculty of Humanitarian and Social Sciences hosts ХVПInternational symposium on psycholinguistics and communication theory “Theory of speech activity: practices and experiment”.

The symposium is devoted to the problems of intercultural communication and linguistic conflictology, forming mentality in mass media, acquisition of native and foreign language, producing and perceiving speech in text and hypertext forms, translation and studying language consciousness in ethno-cultural perspective. The following sections will work: “A.Leontiev – creator of the theory of speech activity”, “Language consciousness: ontology and theory of knowledge”, “Axiological language consciousness: analysis problems”, “Russian language consciousness: dynamics and variants”, “Psycholinguistic problems of forming mentality in mass media”, “Producing and perceiving speech”, “Intercultural communication: contacts and conflicts”, “Text and hypertext: production and perception”, “Acquisition of the language in development”, “Bilingualism and polylingualism. Learning a foreign language”, “Psycholinguistic problems of translation”.

Where: conference hall of the building of Humanities faculties, Rooms 703, 705, 711, 713, 803, 805, 814

May26 – Room814

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