III Youth Scientific School on Applied Theory of Probability and Telecommunications (International School on Applied Probability Theory and Communications Technology) APTCT-2018.

III Youth Scientific School on Applied Theory of Probability and Telecommunications (International School on Applied Probability Theory and Communications Technology) APTCT-2018.

The event passed
17 - 21 Sep 2018
About the event

Geography of participants: Russia, Latvia, Canada, Sweden, UK, USA, Poland, Belarus, Germany, India, France, Italy.

Theme of the event:

  • analytical methods in probability theory and their applications (queue systems and networks; reliability and risks; branching processes; Stochastic differential equations);
  • computational methods in probability theory and their applications (limit theorems; probabilistic and mathematical physics; Markov processes; computational methods and models);
  • asymptotic methods of analysis (mathematical statistics; asymptotic methods; random walks; applications to natural Sciences).

Results of the event: Collection of scientific articles.

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