International school for students entering the master's program «Language as a mirror of culture»

International school for students entering the master's program «Language as a mirror of culture»

The event passed
29 May - 1 Jun 2020
Contact person
Sinyachkin Vladimir Pavlovich
About the event

Since 29.05.2020 to 01.06.2020, the faculty of Humanities and social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian national University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan holds an international school for students entering the master's program "Language as a mirror of culture".

The purpose of the school for students entering the master's program of RUDN is to improve their skills through the effective development of students, postgraduates, young researchers and teachers of the best scientific and methodological domestic and world achievements. 

Objectives of the event: 

  1. share your own research, knowledge, and positions on the identified issues for discussion; 
  2. demonstrate a creative approach to the celebration of the day of Slavic Writing.

The main topic of the Conference is related to topical issues of languages and cultures of the world's peoples, their interaction and mutual influence, including the problems of multi-ethnic societies (ethno-linguistic and ethno-cultural, migration, transculturation), as well as the languages of young subcultures.

Priority issues for discussion: 

  1. Current state of national languages and cultures in Russia and the world. 
  2. Cultures and subcultures. Youth subculture. Language of subcultures.
  3. Problems of intercultural communication in modern conditions. 
  4. Intercultural communication in the artistic dimension.
  5. Own ideas about the literary Russian language and its current state, culture and traditions of its people.


  • Vladimir sinyachkin, Professor of the Department of Russian language and intercultural communication communications FGSN RUDN
  • Uldanay Bakhtikireeva, Professor, responsible for the scientific work of the Department of Russian language and intercultural communication of the Federal state ducational service of the Russian Federation 

Foreign representatives and students from other foreign universities can be invited to participate in the school. Foreign and Russian students Of the faculty of Humanities and social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences will also take part in the school. In total, about 50 students are scheduled to participate in the school online.




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