International scientific and practical seminar “Pedagogical ideas of L. N. Tolstoy today” (to the 190th anniversary of L.N. Tolstoy Birth).

International scientific and practical seminar “Pedagogical ideas of L. N. Tolstoy today” (to the 190th anniversary of L.N. Tolstoy Birth).

The event passed
25 May 2018
About the event

The purpose of the seminar - to update at the present stage of development of pedagogical science the creative heritage of L.N. Tolstoy, his views on the training and education of the younger generation.

The seminar is held remotely, in the mode of web-conference.

The format of the seminar: invited speakers’ presentations (time – 40 minutes), participants’ presentations (time – 5-7 minutes), answers of experts to questions posed in the chat.

Geography of participants: Russia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Romania, India, China, Canada.

Theme of the event:

  • Humanist. Writer. Educator;
  • humanistic Philology of L. N. Tolstoy in the modern school;
  • reflection of pedagogical views of L. N. Tolstoy in his works.
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