International scientific seminar "German and Russian Neo-Kantianism"

International scientific seminar "German and Russian Neo-Kantianism"

The event passed
24 Mar 2022
st. Miklukho-Maklaya, 10/2 (room 415)
About the event

24 March at 15:00 MSK

The concept of neo-Kantianism is associated with the names of representatives of the Marburg and Baden schools. In what sense can the idea of ​​phenomenology be seen as a continuation of the Kantian tradition of the critique of reason?

The starting point of the argument is the confession made by Ernst Cassirer during the Davos dispute in 1929:

"I discovered in Heidegger a neo-Kantian, which I could not have expected in him."

According to Heidegger's thesis, the defining basis of the neo-Kantian movement is the interpretation of the Critique of Pure Reason as a theory of knowledge. Heidegger treats the first Critique as an ontology.

In the context of studying the relationship between Kant's system of criticism of reason and the criticism of reason, which determines the essence of phenomenological work, it is proposed to consider a number of fundamental questions:

  1. The question of the essence and structure of knowledge in the system of criticism of the mind and in phenomenology;
  2. The question of the essence of the Copernican revolution in thinking, produced on the basis of a rethinking of the principles of knowledge;
  3. The question of time as the horizon of possible experience;
  4. The question of the origin of pure categories;
  5. The question of the transcendental definition of time as a condition for the possibility of revealing the common root of the two trunks of knowledge;
  6. The question of the priority of practical reason over theoretical;
  7. The question of the general basis of the theoretical and practical knowledge of the mind.

It is assumed that the main themes of Kant's system of critique of reason indicated here were further developed in the studies of the founders of the phenomenological movement. The task, therefore, will be to show what actual steps were taken in phenomenology to justify the Kantian idea of ​​metaphysics as a rigorous research project, and what possible horizons were anticipated by the idea of ​​such a project.



Professors, graduate students, masters and students of PFUR, Higher School of Economics, Russian State University for the Humanities, Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Saratov State University. N.G. Chernyshevsky, University of Klagenfurt (Austria).

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