Leading researchers of the world discuss urban soils and urban eco-systems sustainable development in New-York

Leading researchers of the world discuss urban soils and urban eco-systems sustainable development in New-York

The event passed
29 - 30 Nov 2017
Direction: Science
About the event

The event is organized by NYC Urban Soils Institute (USA) and RUDN University. Among co-organizers - the City University of NY, (City Hall of the New York City, US Department of Agriculture and Urban Soils and Water Conservation District.

The symposium is aimed at meeting challenges of urban soils and urban eco-systems sustainable development. Special attention will be paid to waste utilization, restoring soil, urban agriculture and developing the cities’ green infrastructure.

The event is also information and educational platform for effective interaction and cooperation of various participants and contribute to dissemination of modern research results uniting 300 participants from Europe, America, Asia and Australia who will work in 5 sections:

- Soil Fundamentals of Urban Ecology;

- Restoration & (bio)Remediation;

- Green Infrastructure and Landscape Design;

- Soils in the Food System;

- Soil Art, Outreach & Education.

For more details: http://www.usi.nyc/urban-soils-symposium-november-2017.html


Tatiana Morin – Director of NYC Urban Soils Institute, Chair of the Organizing Committee


Elvira Dovletyarova – Director of RUDN Department of Landscape design and sustainable eco-systems, Vice-Chair of the Organizing Committee


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