Lecture “System of land use patterns at global and national levels”

Lecture “System of land use patterns at global and national levels”

The event passed
26 Oct 2023
Online / Podolskoye sh. 8/5, classroom 303
About the event

On 26 October at 16:20 p.m. (Moscow time)

With the participation of the faculty of the Institute of Environmental Engineering, as well as students, existing systems of land use models at the global and national levels will be discussed.

Invited guest:


Dmitry Shchepaschenko, leading researcher at International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), coordinator of the working group International Union of Forest Research Organization (IUFRO) 8.01.06 — Boreal and mountain forest ecosystems, expert of the Russian Science Foundation, candidate of agricultural sciences and doctor of biological sciences.

One of the most important socio-economic problems is increasing the efficiency of land use. Its solution is facilitated by the use of mathematical, including multifactor models in land management. Such models make it possible not only to describe the process of land use, but also to make forecasts based on actual data under various economic and climatic scenarios with an assessment of uncertainties. However, the potential of multifactor models has not yet been fully realized, especially due to insufficient consideration of regional land use characteristics.

The gap between the potential capabilities of multifactor land use models and the current level of their practical implementation limits the effectiveness of management systems and decision support in the field of rational land use.

In this regard, the development of research aimed at improving the improvement of methods and technologies for creating and applying multifactor models of land use, taking into account regional characteristics, including for planning and forecasting purposes, is relevant for the theory and practice of land management.


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