Meeting with Master Graduates on Postgraduate Studies, Programme 47.06.01 - Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Studies

Meeting with Master Graduates on Postgraduate Studies, Programme 47.06.01 - Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Studies

The event passed
19 May 2022
About the event

19 May at 16:00 MSK

Postgraduate studies in philosophy attract two types of people who link their future with the sciences. The first choose philosophy as their major occupation in life long ago, and for them postgraduate studies are a natural extension of their path. The latter come to philosophy as a graduate student, having been educated in other fields. But they have realised that their research interests are connected with problems that have not only a scientific but also a philosophical side. In addition to professional education, philosophical training is needed to tackle such issues. For both, the choice of a postgraduate degree in philosophy at the PFUR will be an appropriate decision, because its programme balances fundamental training in ontology, theory of cognition, and social philosophy with a thorough historical and philosophical analysis of contemporary problems in philosophy.

The programme "Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Studies" is aimed at preparing highly qualified specialists in demand in the fields of public, international, research and teaching activities, analysis and consulting, as well as in the field of interdisciplinary knowledge, at the interface with such sciences as psychology, political science, sociology and cultural studies.



At the meeting, Head of the Department of Ontology and Theory of Knowledge, Professor Vladimir Nikolayevich Belov, Head of the Department of Social Philosophy, Professor Marina Levenbertovna Ivleva.

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