Open day of master's programs in the direction "Sociology"

Open day of master's programs in the direction "Sociology"

The event passed
24 Mar 2022
About the event

24 March at 16:00 MSK

The present-day market of empirical sociology is growing very fast. There is no other social and humanitarian science which enjoys such a grand-scale and diversified sphere of application. Each company, each serious project are in need of research, every social programme requires sociological support. Sociologists always have a choice. Some sociologists build their career in marketing or HR, others work for international projects, some are employed at universities and research centres, others — in the media, and still others suceed in politics. Some sociologists enter on a business career, others pursue an academic career, and still others go into politics or devote themselves to a specific social problem, still remaining sociologists!

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the RUDN University implements two master’s programs in the direction of “Sociology”:

  1. Theory, Methodology and Methods of Sociology: History and Contemporaneity;
  2. Sociology of Management and Social Management.



At the meeting, Professor of the Department of Sociology Nikolay P. Narbut, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology Tatiana I. Larina will tell about the benefits of the programs and the possibilities of admission.

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