«Revisiting old families of cyano-bridged coordination polymers at the nanoscale»

«Revisiting old families of cyano-bridged coordination polymers at the nanoscale»

The event passed
4 Jun 2018
Direction: Science
About the event

«Revisiting old families of cyano-bridged coordination polymers at the nanoscale» - lecture of the invited professor for students, masters, postgraduate students and staff  of the Faculty of Science.

Yannick Guari - Head of the team Molecular Engineering and Nano-Objects of the Institute Charles Gerhard Montpellier,  author of more than 120 works and 10 patents in the area of nanochemistry, nanomedicine and nanomaterials, Assistant editor at the New Journal of Chemistry.

In this lecture, Prof. Y.Guari will illustrate the latest developments made in his research group on the synthesis and study of size and shape controlled cyano-bridged coordination polymer materials at the nanoscale. He will discuss various synthetic methodologies that they developed for the preparation of nano-objects or nano-composites of these materials and magnetic, magneto-optic or sorption properties associated therewith. He will also address the potential applications of cyano-bridged coordination polymer nanoparticles and nanocomposites in the fields of medical imaging and decontamination of mobile radioactive elements.

Place: Audience 102, st. Ordzhonikidze, 3, building of the Faculty of Science

Time: 13.00

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