Round table “The pains and gains of sport”

Round table “The pains and gains of sport”

The event passed
14 Dec 2023
Contact person
Godzinevskaya Svetlana
About the event

On 14 December at 18:00 p.m. (Moscow time)

The Department of foreign languages (RUDN Institute of Medicine) is hosting a university online round table in foreign languages “The pains and gains of sport”.

The key topic of the event is the analysis of the impact of physical training exercises and professional sport on the human body and the person him or herself.

The event is aimed at forming socio-cultural competence and professionally- oriented foreign language communicative competence of students of RUDN Institute of Medicine.

Considering various aspects:

  • the analysis of the impact of physical training exercises and professional sport on the human body and the person him or herself;
  • identification of positive and negative sides because of sport;
  • identification of key mistakes that lead to injuries, their prevention and treatment.

Practical relevance: developing socio-cultural competence and professionally- oriented foreign language communicative competence based on modeling complex forms of professional information exchange.

The round table is supposed to contribute to forming the socio-cultural competence and professionally oriented foreign language communicative competence in the field of linguistics and intercultural communication.

Working language — English.


Participants: students of RUDN Institute of Medicine and teaching staff of the Department of foreign languages (RUDN Institute of Medicine).


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