Scientific seminar “Mathematical modeling of melt rotation during pulsed heating of a metal target”

Scientific seminar “Mathematical modeling of melt rotation during pulsed heating of a metal target”

The event passed
23 Nov 2021
About the event

23 November at 12:00 MSK

On the experimental stand Beam of Electrons for materials Test Applications (BETA) created in the INP SB RAS, the results of heating the tungsten plate by the action of a high-speed electron beam on it were obtained. We consider an extended dynamic model of current distribution when the surface of a tungsten sample is heated by an electronic beam pulse. The temperature in the sample, calculated from the two-phase Stefan problem, is needed to solve the electrodynamic equations. A special case of axial symmetry without taking into account electrical driving forces is considered. The current is considered as a possible source of rotation of the substance, which is observed in the experiment. The aim of the study is to simulate the erosion of the sample surface as a result of evaporation and penetration of heat flux into the material.



Professor Lazareva Galina G., RUDN, Moscow.

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