Scientific seminar “Nonexistence of Nontrivial Weak Solutions of Some Nonlinear Inequalities with Integer Power Laplacian”

Scientific seminar “Nonexistence of Nontrivial Weak Solutions of Some Nonlinear Inequalities with Integer Power Laplacian”

The event passed
8 Jun 2021
Contact person
Senouci M.A.
About the event

8 June at 12:00 MSK

In this paper, we make modification on the results obtained by Mitidieri and Pokhozhaev on suffic/ient conditions for the nonexistence of nontrivial weak solutions of nonlinear inequality and system with integer power of the Laplacian with nonlinearity term of the form $a(x)|\Delta^{m}u|^{q}+b(x)|u|^s$. We obtain the optimal a priori estimate by employing the nonlinear capacity method under the wise choice of test function. Finally, we prove the nonexistence of nontrivial weak solutions of the considered inequality and its system by contradiction.



Wase Esmelalem Admasu, a third-year doctoral student at the S.M. Nikol’skii Mathematical Institute of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, under the scientific supervision of Professor E. I. Galakhov.

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