Seminar “Conservation laws with point constraint: analysis, approximation, modeling of road and pedestrian traffic”

Seminar “Conservation laws with point constraint: analysis, approximation, modeling of road and pedestrian traffic”

The event passed
7 Jul 2020
About the event

7 July at 18:00

We will briefly present classical LWR and ARZ macroscopic models of traffic flow (Lighthill-Whitham-Richards, Aw-Rascle and Zhang) and focus on their modification that permits to reproduce non-monotone features of traffic at bottlenecks, such as Faster-Is-Slower and Braess' Paradox.This permits to model bottelnecks due to road lights, pay tolls etc. The talk is based on a series of joint works with Carlotta Donadello, Ulrich Razafison and Massimiliano Rosini.


Professor Andreianov Boris (Institute Denis Poisson CNRS of Tours University, Tours, France).

Title of the talk: Conservation laws with point constraint: analysis, approximation, modeling of road and pedestrian traffic. 


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