Seminar “Initial-boundary value problems for the generalized Kawahara-Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation”

Seminar “Initial-boundary value problems for the generalized Kawahara-Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation”

The event passed
22 Feb 2022
Contact person
Nikita Ivanov
About the event

22 February at 18:00 MSK

Initial-boundary value problems on a half-strip with different types of boundary conditions for the generalized Kawahara-Zakharov-Kuznetsov with nonlinerity of higher order are considered. In particular, nonlinearity can be quadratic and cubic. Results on global existence and uniqueness in classes of weak and mild solutions and large-time decay of small solutions are established.

The solutions are considered in weighted at infinity Sobolev spaces. The use of weighted spaces is crucial for the study. To this end new interpolating inequalities in weighted aniso-tropic Sobolev spaces are established. Both exponential and power weights are ad-missible.

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Professor Andrei V. Faminskii (RUDN University, Moscow).

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