Seminar “Mathematical model of emergence, competition, and coexistence of virus strains in dependence of virus genotype”

Seminar “Mathematical model of emergence, competition, and coexistence of virus strains in dependence of virus genotype”

The event passed
3 Dec 2020
About the event

3 December at 16:30 MSK

Topic: Mathematical model of emergence, competition, and coexistence of virus strains in dependence of virus genotype.

This work is devoted to the study of a mathematical model which considers the processes that affect the virus concentration u(x,t) , taking into account virus mutation, reproduction, and genotype dependent mortality, either natural or determined by an antiviral treatment. Once the conditions for the emergence of virus strains have been established, we study the coexistence of viruses by adding a second equation of virus v(y,t) .

The virus density distribution u(x,t) for the first virus and v(y,t) for the second one as functions of genotypes x  and y  are considered continuous both in genotype and in time t.The model consists of a system of reaction-diffusion equations with integral terms characterizing virus competition for host cells.

Speaker: Leon Atupana Maria Cristina, PhD student of the Interdisciplinary Scientific Center "Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine" of the Peoples Friendship University of Russia.


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