Seminar “Modeling of a rotating detonation engine combustion chamber”

Seminar “Modeling of a rotating detonation engine combustion chamber”

The event passed
21 Oct 2021
About the event

21 October at 16:30 MSK

A 3D numerical modeling of a rotation detonation engine combustion chamber was modeled using authors’ software. The software uses a mathematical model for multicomponent chemically reacting gas with turbulence, optionally. The chemical kinetics uses elementary reactions; their number depends on the choice of mechanism.

An authors’ chemical mechanism is among other six. The kinetic mechanisms are as follows: Maas, Warnatz, Pope; Hong; Williams; Gri-Mech 3.0; Lie, Zhao, Kazakov, Dryer; and authors’ kinetic mechanism. The results for those mechanisms are compared. The code is parallelized using OpenMP and MPI techniques. An optimal shape of the self sustaining rotating detonation engine combustion chamber using a hydrogen-oxygen mixture was obtained.



Elena Mikhalchenko, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Computing Systems Department, Federal science center «Scientific and Research Institute for System Analysis of Russian Academy of Sciences», Junior Researcher.

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