Seminar “Modern classification methods of single-channel ECGs”

Seminar “Modern classification methods of single-channel ECGs”

The event passed
23 Jul 2020
About the event

23 July at 16:30

At the moment, there are mobile devices that can read a single-channel ECG. These devices can be used for preliminary screening of various diseases. This report will talk about various methods that allow you to classify single-channel mobile ECGs with a fairly high quality. Many of these methods and improvements to them were proposed for the first time by the author of this report. The report highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed methods. It is worth noting that all the methods considered can be generalized to work with traditional ECGs.


Valeriia Guryanova, PhD student of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Head of data science, medicine department, Algomost.

Topic: Modern classification methods of single-channel ECGs.


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