Seminar “Natural hazards in the South of Russia: events, observations and perspective tasks”
Seminar “Natural hazards in the South of Russia: events, observations and perspective tasks”
The event passed
25 Feb 2021
Differential equations
S.M. Nikolkskii Mathematical Institute
About the event
25 February at 16:30 MSK
Topic: Natural hazards in the South of Russia: events, observations, and perspective tasks
In the period 2007-2014, a number of events related to natural hazards, which caused significant damage, occurred in the South of Russia:
- On November 11, 2007, as a result of a strong storm in the Kerch Strait (between the Black and Azov Seas), more than 14 ships sank, one tanker broke in half, over 2000 tons of fuel oil spilled into the water;
- On October 25–28, 2009, due to a strong "blooming" of water in the Tsimlyansk reservoir (the Don River), the supply of drinking water to Volgodonsk was stopped;
- On July 12, 2012 extreme flash flood on the Adagum River (Western Caucasus, left tributary of the Kuban River) led to the flooding of the Krymsk, in addition to material damage, there were also human casualties;
- Two extreme storm surges on March 23, 2013 and September 24, 2014 led to the flooding the delta of the Don River, the damage to residents in each case exceeded 500 million rubles.
The presentation provides brief information:
- about the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, whose employees were direct witnesses of these events, conducted research on the spot;
- about each of the listed events;
- approaches to monitoring, hazards forecasting and risk assessment;
- tasks to be solved.
Berdnikov Sergey Vladimirovich, Chairman of the Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr.Sc.
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