Seminar on differential geometry on topic “Index problem for metaplectic group. II”
Seminar on differential geometry on topic “Index problem for metaplectic group. II”
The event passed
19 Feb 2020
3, Ordzhonikidze st., аud. 472
About the event
Speaker: Anton Savin, Prof. of the S.M. Nikol’skii Mathematical Institute
Topic: Index problem for metaplectic group. II.
Annotation: We consider nonlocal elliptic operators in spaces of functions in Rn, generated by differential operators and quantizations of linear canonical transformations. This theory includes as special cases, noncommutative tori of A.Connes, shift and dilation operators, etc. We explain index formulas, recently obtained in a joint work with Prof. E.Schrohe (Hannover).
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