Seminar on nonlinear problems of PDE and mathematical physics

Seminar on nonlinear problems of PDE and mathematical physics

The event passed
11 Dec 2018
Moscow, Ordzhonikidze St., 3, lecture hall No. 495a
About the event

December 11, 2018 at 16.30 in the aud.495a, Ordzhonikidze st., 3 seminar on nonlinear problems of PDE and mathematical physics will take place.

Speaker: Doctor of phys.-math. sciences Kon'kov A.A. (Moscow Lomonosov University).

Topic: Generalization of the Keller-Osserman theorem for higher order differential inequalities.

The report is devoted to a generalization of the well-known Keller-Osserman theorem to the case of higher order differential inequalities. The Keller-Osserman theorem, proved in the middle of the last century, contains conditions for the absence of positive solutions for nonlinear elliptic inequalities of the second order. This work was the impetus for a number of studies and now there is an extensive bibliography on the absence of solutions for various equations and inequalities. In so doing, for higher order differential operators, all previously known studies were limited to the case of the power non-linearity. The case of arbitrary non-linearity was studied only for second-order operators. The results of A.A. Konkov and A.E. Shishkov will be reported.

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