Seminar “On qualitative properties of solutions of equations and inequalities with KPZ-nonlinearities”

Seminar “On qualitative properties of solutions of equations and inequalities with KPZ-nonlinearities”

The event passed
11 May 2021
About the event

11 May at 19:30 MSK

Title of the talk: On qualitative properties of solutions of equations and inequalities with KPZ-nonlinearities.

For quasilinear partial differential equations and inequalities containing nonlinearities of the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang type (i.e., the scalar square of the gradient and its generalizations), we present a summary of (old and recent) results regarding the stabilization of solutions (for the parabolic and elliptic cases), the blow-up of solutions, and specific phenomena (e.g., the extinction of solutions). Descriptive examples demonstrating the Bitsadze approach (the technique of monotone maps) applied in this research area are provided.



Dr. Sc., project manager Muravnik A.B. ( JSC “Concern “Sozvezdie”,  Voronezh, RF ).

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