Student conference with international participation “Languages and Cultures: prospects of development in the 21st century”

Student conference with international participation “Languages and Cultures: prospects of development in the 21st century”

The event passed
22 Nov 2018
About the event

The event is aimed at the development of general and special professional competences of a specialist-translator in the field of professional communication. In addition, it promotes the achievement of an optimal balance of fundamental and applied knowledge in the field of foreign language and the main specialization of students, activation of scientific and creative, scientific and practical work with students.

The key goal is to discuss the prospects for the development of foreign languages and the countries of the languages studied in the 21st century, to increase the level of competitiveness of graduates of the RUDN University in the labor market by achieving a new quality of the training system in a foreign language.

Conference languages - English, German, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Persian.

Theme of the event:

  • European and Eastern languages in the context of globalization: features of functioning, prospects for the development and interaction;
  • globalization of the English language and prospects for the development of other national languages;
  • Westernization and export of Western values.

Geography of participants: Spain, China, Russia, countries the Arab East

Results of the event: Collection of scientific articles

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