Student initiatives on nature protection: case study of Russia and Sri-Lanka

Student initiatives on nature protection: case study of Russia and Sri-Lanka

The event passed
26 Jun 2024
About the event

Date and time of the event: 26.06.2024 at 12:30 Moscow time
Venue: online, Microsoft Teams
Meeting Language: English


The first international seminar of scientific and professional student organizations “Student initiatives on nature protection: case study of Russia and Sri-Lanka” will be held on June 26, 2024 within the framework of cooperation between the universities of the Russian Federation and Sri Lanka.

The workshop will be attended by representatives of student organizations from RUDN University and Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, who will talk about the main activities and research currently underway.

In this workshop you will learn how science can be made accessible and popular not only for students but also for a wide audience, and how science student communities build a culture of researchers among students who are interested in science and plan to pursue it in the future. Students will have a unique opportunity to exchange information about current student research projects in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development.

Don’t miss the opportunity to broaden your horizons and explore new ideas!


10 min

Welcome remarks



10 min

Making a young scientist: how a scientific student community helps to take the first steps into environmental science

Alexandra Erbaeva, Public Relations Manager of “GreenLab” Scientific Student Community

10 min

Making science accessible: “GreenLab” public events

10 min

Formation of professional field skills of ecologists, promotion of environmental education and protection of nature within the framework of the PSO

Karavan Irina,

Active member of “Koster” Professional Student Community


10 min

Introduction of Ecomechane club and Sylvanterra club

Chandira Hemantha,

Treasurer of “Ecomechane Club”

Shehan Nellampitiya,

President of “Sylvanterra club”

10 min

Tank Cascade System in Sri Lanka

Chamara Wijekoon

Member of “Ecomechane Club ”

10 min

Mangrove Regeneration in Sri Lanka.

W.L. Senanayake

Member of " Sylvanterra club"

20 min

Conclusion and discussion


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