The Competition of School Projects «Science begins at school-2019» in humanitarian, socio-economic, natural science, biomedical and technical sections for pupils from Moscow and Moscow Region is held in RUDN University

The Competition of School Projects «Science begins at school-2019» in humanitarian, socio-economic, natural science, biomedical and technical sections for pupils from Moscow and Moscow Region is held in RUDN University

The event passed
17 May 2019
Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya st., 6
Contact person
Beads Alexey
About the event

The main goal of the contest is to identify and support gifted children, improve work with students in vocational guidance, demonstrate and popularize the achievements of middle-link and senior-link students in the field of scientific creativity, as well as the experience of educational institutions in organizing research and project activities of schoolchildren.

For participation in the multi-discipline competition “Science begins at school-2019” schoolchildren of 9-11th grades in Moscow and the Moscow region are invited.

The subject of consideration at the contest are the projects of students’ research works assuming their knowledge of the current state of the research field, possession of the methodic, availability of data on their own research, analysis, generalization and conclusions.

The work of sections on the following subjects of educational and research projects is provided by the competition:

  • I would learn Russian just for…?
  • Literature is the reflection of society, just as a word is the reflection of a person.
  • A different language is a different vision of life.
  • Social Studies. Holistic and volumetric image of social world.
  • It is impossible to understand the world structure without maths.
  • Physics is the science of understanding nature.
  • Chemistry is life, life is chemistry.
  • Everything in the biology makes sense only in the light of evolution.

The 2019 competition is held in the form of individual championship.

The competition provides public performances of participants with the results of their own research (inventive) work according to their scientific profiles.

The rules of the competition participants include:

  • public protection of scientific research (inventive) work up to 7 minutes;
  • a discussion lasting from 3 to 5 minutes.

Executed research works should be submitted to the jury during the competition.

Public performance of the competition participant is evaluated in accordance with the developed criteria for assessing the protection.

Winners and prize-winners for each of these profiles are awarded with Cups and Diplomas of I, II, III degrees, other participants receive a certificate of the contestant.

The expert commission of the school projects contest consists of leading teachers of all specialized faculties and institutes of the University.

To take part in the contest of school projects of the humanities, social, economic, scientific, medical and biological and technical profiles “Science begins at school-2019” it is necessary to send an e-mail containing the application form and abstracts of the participant to e-mail: until 6 pm on May 13, 2019.

Registration starts on May 17th, 2019 at 01:30 pm.

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