The III RUDN University International Model United Nations

The III RUDN University International Model United Nations

The event passed
4 - 6 Apr 2018
About the event

The Model United Nations is a long-term research project, a complex multifunctional intellectual role-playing game – imitation of the activities of the main UN bodies (the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Human Rights Council, etc.).

Traditionally, the Model United Nations is held for three to four days. During this period, students play the role of delegates-representatives of the chosen countries in the UN bodies determined by the organizing committee of the event. The Model is organized according to UN procedure rules in one or more official languages of the Organization. As a result, each committee of the Model submits a resolution on agenda items discussed in the committee. This document simultaneously fully corresponds to the original executed by the modeled body and represents the students’ opinion on the way to solving global problems.


Geography of participants: Russia, Syria, Turkey, Belarus, China, Spain, Venezuela, France

Theme (agenda) of the event:

  • a problem of development, production and stockpiling of bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons. Modeling of the 57th General Assembly session as of November 22, 2002;
  • problems of preserving the historical memory of peoples and cultural heritage in the context of contemporary challenges and threats to the world cultural fund;
  • world environmental problems and their impact on the economic development of countries, UN environment programmes on sustainable development;
  • UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) for the protection and promotion of motherhood and childhood in areas of military conflicts in the least developed countries and territories;
  • UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) programmes and their role in the development of the modern favorable trade and investment environment.

Conditions for participation in the event: information letter.

Results of the event: draft resolutions of RUDN University Model United Nations Committees on agendas


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