The Inter-University Conference with International Participation "Languages and Cultures in the Era of Globalization: Features of Functioning, Prospects for Development and Interaction"
During the conference it is planned to discuss general fundamental approaches, ideas and perspectives in teaching foreign languages with due regard for cultural discourse, to share the results of research, scientific-methodological and practical work conducted at Departments of Foreign Languages of RUDN University and in other Moscow universities. At the conference there will be a presentation of software products, innovative didactic and methodological materials, training manuals.
The event will also contribute to studying foreign experience, developing international cooperation in the educational sphere, improving the quality of teaching foreign languages in accordance with new requirements for education in the humanities.
Geography of participants: Algeria, Jordan, Morocco, Iraq, Spain, China, Egypt, Russia
Theme (agenda) of the event:
- realities and opportunities for dialogue of cultures in the modern world;
- modern methods and technologies in teaching foreign languages and cultures;
- main tendencies of vocationally-oriented foreign language teaching in the context of globalization;
- methods of teaching foreign languages and cultures in the context of development of the Bologna Process;
- the main methodological issues of the formation of phonetic, lexical and grammatical skills of students.
Conditions for participation in the event: information letter.
Results of the event: a collection of scientific articles