VIII international scientific conference “Actual problems of linguistics and linguodidactics of foreign language of business and professional communication”

VIII international scientific conference “Actual problems of linguistics and linguodidactics of foreign language of business and professional communication”

The event passed
19 - 20 Apr 2018
About the event

The goals and objectives of the conference:

  • summarizing the results of professional activities in the field of foreign language learning and teaching for business and professional communication through the understanding and synthesis of the experience of the international and domestic linguistic community;
  • exchange of experience with colleagues working in this field;                                    
  • expansion of the format of such scientific conferences by including six foreign languages; a wide range of issues on applied linguistics and linguodidactics, professional-oriented translation, information and communication means of foreign language teaching.

Geography of participants: Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Italy, France, Bolivia, Ecuador, China, Belarus.

Theme of the event:

  • actual problems of applied linguistics;
  • problems of professionally oriented translation;
  • intercultural professional communication and linguistic identity;
  • integration of new information technologies and electronic textbooks into the practice of foreign languages teaching in a non-linguistic University.

Results of the event: Collection of conference materials, collection of scientific articles.

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