The IV All-Russian Scientific-Practical Seminar "Reproductive Potential of Russia: Siberian Readings"

The IV All-Russian Scientific-Practical Seminar "Reproductive Potential of Russia: Siberian Readings"

The event passed
15 - 19 May 2018
About the event

Since the beginning of the 2010-ies we have been witnessing a change in the educational paradigm in medicine from "education for life" to "education through life". The concept of continuing medical education will fundamentally change the established traditions of "advanced medical training" in the near future. Nowadays it is obvious that an advanced training course completed once in 5 years is critically not enough for a competent specialist. Professional conferences in the overwhelming majority of cases serve as a source of new knowledge for physicians, allow them to exchange experience effectively and to resolve the most pressing issues.

At the same time, the considerable geographical extent of our country in the context of economic instability is an important deterrent to gaining new knowledge by physicians. That is why the Siberian Readings held in the geographical center of Russia – in the capital of Siberia Novosibirsk (famous for its academic, scientific and intellectual potential) – arose and will continue to arouse the continuing interest of both medical practitioners and health care organizers.

Geography of participants: Russia, Kazakhstan

Theme (agenda) of the event:

  • maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality;
  • premature birth and miscarriage;
  • reproductive planning and periconceptional multivitamin supplementation;
  • endocrine gynecology: simple words about the complex;
  • operative gynecology and obstetrics;
  • cervical disease: analysis of complex cases;
  • pregnancy and childbirth in women with extragenital diseases;
  • pediatric and adolescent gynecology;
  • reproductive infectology: from diagnostics to choosing the optimal method of treatment;
  • practical application of anti-aging strategies in gynecology;
  • ART as the reality of ambulatory gynecology;

Conditions for participation in the event: information letter

Results of the event: a collection of scientific articles


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