The VIII All-Russian Conference (with international participation) “Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Mathematical Modeling"

The VIII All-Russian Conference (with international participation) “Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Mathematical Modeling"

The event passed
16 - 20 Apr 2018
About the event

The event continues the tradition of the All-Russian Conference on Problems of Mathematics, Informatics, Physics and Chemistry, annually held in RUDN University, starting almost from the moment of its foundation. Information and telecommunication technologies, as a component of information and telecommunication systems, are among the priority areas of the development of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation. Besides, the development of high-tech systems and the improvement of information and telecommunication technologies are impossible without the use of mathematical models of their functioning.

Conference participants are Russian and foreign universities, academic and sectoral research institutes and centers, interested enterprises and commercial companies.

Conference objectives:

  • joining efforts to develop and generalize the accumulated experience;
  • identification of the most relevant areas of scientific research in the sphere of information and telecommunication technologies, mathematical simulation, artificial intelligence, economic and mathematical modeling and other important areas of the development of scientific research and scientific-technical developments;
  • multifaceted discussion of topical problems and innovative tasks of the information and telecommunications sector.

Geography of participants: Russia, Latvia, Canada, Sweden, Great Britain, USA, Poland, Belarus, Germany, Italy, India, France, Israel, Japan.

Theme (issues) of the event:

  • theory of teletraffic and its application;
  • next-generation communication networks: management, quality, architecture;
  • high-performance distributed computing technologies;
  • modeling of dynamic systems;
  • computational physics;
  • applied information systems and technologies;
  • mathematical methods in economics.

Conditions for participation in the event: information letter

Results of the event: a collection of scientific articles.

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