Workshop "RUDN University living values: professionalism, research culture"

Workshop "RUDN University living values: professionalism, research culture"

The event passed
28 Mar 2022
Contact person
Kapitolina Ulanova
About the event

28 March at 16:30 MSK

The living values of the RUDN are one of the most important elements of the strategic development of the university. Living values services are the basis of the corporate culture of the RUDN University and serve as the basis for the formation of corporate identity.

The purpose of the event ​​is to acquaint students with a stable system of basic principles, goals, priorities and norms underlying the corporate culture of RUDN University students, the most important component of the life and strategic development of the RUDN University, determining its priorities.


To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

  • To highlight the values that really exist, traditional for the RUDN University, enshrined in the Mission of the RUDN University and Codes of Honor;
  • To identify the attitude of students of living values of  RUDN University to the traditional values of RUDN University;
  • To propose a list of living values offered for promotion.

Students at Institute of Environmental Engineering will take part in the workshop «RUDN University living values: professionalism, research culture». The program includes a report by associate professor of IE RUDN Ulanova K.L., a discussion how to supplement the list of "RUDN University living values"

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