XV International conference “Resource generating, low waste and nature protective technologies of Earth’s interior exploration” in the frame of “Restoration of Syria’s national economy” symposium

XV International conference “Resource generating, low waste and nature protective technologies of Earth’s interior exploration” in the frame of “Restoration of Syria’s national economy” symposium

The event passed
12 - 17 Sep 2021
About the event

September 12 – 17,  WADI International university (Syria) together with Peoples’ friendship university of Russia hold XV International conference “Resource generating, low waste and nature protective technologies of Earth’s interior exploration” in the frame of “Restoration of Syria’s national economy” symposium.

Where: Syria

Contact person:

RUDN University- Alexander Vorobyev, +7495-952-63-53 vorobyev_ae@pfur.ru

WADI University – Ivan Khalil, +7967-263-22-20, evanovich_47@yahoo.com

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