"Scientific research should be practical and solve real problems faced by society" – Yousef Naserzade and Nilufar Mahmoudi, graduates of RUDN Institute of Agrarian Technology from Iran

"Scientific research should be practical and solve real problems faced by society" – Yousef Naserzade and Nilufar Mahmoudi, graduates of RUDN Institute of Agrarian Technology from Iran

There was chemistry between Yusef Naserzadeh and Nilufar Mahmoudi... in the literal sense. Together they flew to Russia, enrolled in the postgraduate programme "Agriculture" and are now working on the project "Self-Regulating Bioorganic Packaging from Nanofertilizers". Yousef and Nilufar graduated from RUDN last year, but they continue to surprise us with their achievements.

Young chemists received a silver medal for a project at the Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies “Archimedes”.

The project “Self-Regulating Bioorganic Packaging of Nanofertilizers” — what is it about?

The project is dedicated to solving the problem of soil salinity and drought stress. It is a specialized type of fertilizer that uses nanotechnology to deliver nutrients to crops more efficiently and in a more controlled manner. This is achieved by encapsulating nutrients in tiny materials or by coating them with a protective film.

It replaces chemical fertilizers and is obtained from medicinal plants that contain beneficial soil bacteria, the necessary elements for sowing in conditions of low moisture levels.

The main goal is to deliver nutrients to plants when they are most needed, preventing them from being wasted or converted into unusable forms. It also aims to improve soil quality, stimulate crop growth and increase long-term agricultural productivity. The development will benefit farmers and the environment.

We started the production of this product in the international startup “Baghe Noavari” (Innovation Garden) in Iran. We are also active in Turkey. The company’s activities include combating quarantine pests, improving the quality of seeds, organizing educational and specialized seminars and conferences, as well as providing economic consulting services in the field of exports.

How did the idea for the project come to you? 


We have PhD in biological sciences with a specialization in the field of agrochemistry. We always rely on public needs. For example, a previous study focused on the effects of nanoparticles on cancer cells. The study, by the way, was published in the prestigious scientific journal Scientific Reports (Nature). Scientific research must be practical and address real problems faced by society.

Yousef, Nilufar, what was each of you responsible for in the project?

We equally invest in the idea and execution. Ideas don’t magically materialize in labs like they do in movies. Before starting any project, we spend a lot of time brainstorming and thoroughly researching the subject. We classify and analyze ideas, often engaging in lengthy discussions in cafes to arrive at the optimal result. Some plans require months of study.

What do you do if disagreements arise?


We find a compromise. To do this, we conduct research and analyze scientific articles and experimental data. In any matter, a balance can be found.

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