RUDN is a participant of the V Forum of Rectors of the Universities of the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran

RUDN is a participant of the V Forum of Rectors of the Universities of the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran

Understanding the importance of Russian-Iranian cooperation in the field of education, science, technology, and culture, on July 07, 2020, the V Forum of Rectors of the Universities of the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran (hereinafter - the Forum), organized by the Russian Union of Rectors, was held in a distance format. Forum of Rectors has become a valid form of communication between Russian rectors and their foreign colleagues.

The Forum was attended by the rectors of 16 higher education universities of the Islamic Republic of Iran and heads of 21 universities of the Russian Federation. President of the Russian Union of Rectors, Rector of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Viktor A. Sadovnichiy, as well as President of the Summit of Rectors of leading universities of Iran, Rector of Tehran University Mahmoud Nili Ahmadabadi addressed the participants with a welcome speech. Vice-rector for international affairs Larisa I. Efremova took part in the Forum on behalf of RUDN University.

Iranian graduates of RUDN from 1960 to 2020

Iranian citizens have been admitted to study at the RUDN University since 1960. Due to the political situation in the country, the admission of Iranian citizens was suspended from the end of the 1980s to 1999. Between 1965 and 2020, the number of Iranian graduates is over 150 people.

The number of Iranian citizens studying at RUDN at all levels of education is 241 people.

Interuniversity cooperation with universities in Iran

RUDN University develops interuniversity cooperation with the following Iranian universities: Aerospace Research Institute of Iran, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, University of Tehran, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Mazaheb University of Islamic studies, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. In the framework of joint educational programs from Iranian partner universities in RUDN University entered five students from K. N. Toosi University of Technology in 2018, 5 students from Tehran University in 2019, 3 students from K. N. Toosi University of Technology in 2020.

Joint research projects and grants

RUDN actively cooperates with educational institutions in Iran in the context of joint research projects. Together with the Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2019, RUDN University implemented the grant "Synthesis of biologically active heterocycles using multicomponent protocols: study of various nanocatalysts for optimizing reaction conditions". In 2020 the grant "Application of medicinal plants and their extracts to improve growth, immunity and disease resistance in fish" RUDN University was implemented jointly with the University of Tehran, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural resources of Gorgan and the Iranian Research Institute of fisheries.

RUDN University and Mazaheb University of Islamic studies are planning to establish an Interuniversity Cooperation Center to coordinate educational ties between Russian and Iranian universities, as well as those of the neighboring regions.

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