RUDN University holds the international QS WORLDWIDE forum

RUDN University holds the international QS WORLDWIDE forum

22 May, QS WorldWide opened in RUDN University. 450 delegates representing 128 leading universities from 27 countries came to the global summit to discuss internationalization and cooperation of the strongest schools.

QS WorldWide summit in RUDN. Results of the first day

QS Worldwide is the 2nd Annual Strategic Summit for the Advancement of University Excellence in all its Forms. It is held in Moscow for the first time. The QS Summit is hosted by the RUDN University – the most international university in Russia. The founder of the global QS university ranking Mr Nunzio Quacquarelli addressed the experts: “RUDN is the most international university in Russia – it is the most appropriate place to host the QS Worldwide. It is a fantastic example how to show leadership. It is is determined to change the educational market in international arena. That is all what QS Worldwide is about. The main goal is to foster international cooperation partnership, to build new relations in global High Educational system, to connect the best practices of different educational systems of the world, to link motivated people together to boost international mobility”.

The main issue discussed at the QS Worldwide is the role of rankings in the global Higher Education system. “Functions of rankings are much wider than traditional understanding of them. We influence career of young people and change their life”, - Prof James Stuart Pounder, the Chair of the QS Worldwide International Academic Advisory Committee said.

RUDN Rector Vladimir Filippov noted the trends of internationalization, relevant for leading universities. "We must clearly distinguish external and internal internationalization of the university in order to ensure active international academic, scientific, entrepreneurial activities of its academics. Each Master's line of study should have a dual-degree with the leading universities of the world. Internal internationalization of universities is of special importance," noted the Rector. The task is facilitated by English-taught programs - primarily, Master’s and LLL courses. Among the key areas of internationalization are also networking with leading universities and inviting internationally - oriented academics and researchers, as well as academic exchange.

Mandy Mok, CEO of QS Branding & Conferences by QS Asia (Singapore) underlined strengthening the positions of Russian Universities: “The most significant change in the international higher education in the last 10-15 years is the rise of Russian universities in world rankings. The perception of higher education in the world is changing and such events like QS summit help Russian universities to connect the world, and for the world — to connect Russia”.

Photo Report

22-23 May, 1,000 representatives of world's leading universities and experts on higher education will meet at QS WORLDWIDE international forum in RUDN. QS WORLDWIDE forum is a platform for meeting of leading universities to enhance the effectiveness of higher education. QS WORLDWIDE mission is “to promote higher education in Russia and Central Asia by means of international cooperation” and “to maintain the processes that lead to worldwide recognition of the universities in Russia and Central Asia”. 

The program includes an exhibition and discussion panels on 3 thematic subjects:

• University development strategies: rankings

• Creating a global university brand

• International cooperation and internationalization of education.

QS WORLDWIDE is a platform for sharing experiences, signing agreements and finding foreign business partners for implementation of scientific, academic and socially significant projects of world's leading universities. "Experts from different countries, teachers, researchers and representatives of public authorities will discuss topical issues of higher education and present best practices", - Vladimir Filippov, Rector of RUDN University. To learn more about QS WORLDWIDE, to be held in RUDN on May 22-23, 2018 and register, please follow this link

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