RUDN University took part in EUCEN General Assembly

RUDN University took part in EUCEN General Assembly

The Annual General Assembly of the European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN) was held on May 29, 2020 in a video conference format. On behalf of the RUDN University representatives of the Vice-Rector for International Activities’ office participated in the meeting.

EUCEN President Dr. Balazs Nemeth presented results of the network's activities for 2019. He drew attention to the fact that EUCEN events mainly related to the topics such as Sustainable Development Goals, interaction with NGOs and national networks engaged with quality of continuing education, cooperation with global organizations - UNESCO, European University Association (EAU), International Association of Universities (IAU) over internationalization of continuing education.

During the GA, participants voted to admit new HEIs to EUCEN - University of Siegen (Germany), Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain), University of Huelva (Spain), University of Minho (Portugal), Cyprus West University (Cyprus), University of Huddersfield (United Kingdom).

The next GA of EUCEN is scheduled to be held in June 2021 in Utrecht (Netherlands).


EUCEN was established in 1991. The main goal of EUCEN is to promote the social, economic and cultural life of Europe through the development and promotion of continuing education in universities of Europe and other regions of the world. The network currently has 159 institutional members (universities, professional associations, NGOs) from 36 countries.

The RUDN University has been keeping an institutional membership at EUCEN since 2012.

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