Strategic partnership: RUDN shares with Cameroon advanced technologies in oil, gas and mineral extraction

Strategic partnership: RUDN shares with Cameroon advanced technologies in oil, gas and mineral extraction

RUDN University signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of training, as well as oil, gas and mineral extraction with UISPM, the largest private university in Cameroon. The signing took place during a working visit of the Russian delegation to Cameroon. The program of the visit also included a meeting with business representatives and employers.

The Russian delegation included the First Vice-rector - Vice-rector for economic activity and strategic development of RUDN University Evgeny Schesniak, Anatoly Ryzhkov - researcher and inventor of one of the technologies in oil production, Vyacheslav Konnik - Deputy Director of the Institute of Innovative Engineering Technologies (IIIT) for international activities.

The cooperation will include the implementation at the state level of projects to introduce technology for processing wood and related waste, as well as technology in the field of oil, gas and mineral extraction, restoration of oil wells and abandoned quarries. In addition, Cameroonian students in specialized fields of study will master quality control technologies, in particular, questions of studying tectonic factors before conducting work on the ground.

Advanced technologies were developed by RUDN specialists in partnership with the Cameroonian company Multi-Service and Industrial Equipment (MSMI, MultiServices & MatérielIndustriel).

RUDN employees held a workshop for Cameroon’s oil sector workers. Anatoly Ryzhkov introduced the community of Cameroonian oil producers and teachers the latest techniques for revitalizing and optimizing obsolete wells, modern technologies for seismic and multi-wave mineral exploration, search and purification systems for drinking water, and other developments of RUDN IIIT relevant for Africa.

According to Professor Jean-Marie Bodot, Rector of UISPM University of Cameroon, the study of innovative technologies at the stage of mastering the specialty will benefit the country and many generations of its inhabitants.

In the city of Douala, the economic center of Cameroon and throughout Central Africa, on August 29, the delegation presented training programs for short-term continuing education courses developed by IIIT under the technology export program. RUDN University and the University of Douala signed an agreement on interuniversity cooperation.

August 30, a delegation of RUDN University flew from Cameroon to Malabo, the capital of Equatorial Guinea, to negotiate signing an agreement on cooperation between RUDN University and the National University and the presentation of some technologies in demand in the country. September 2-4, a delegation of RUDN University visited Benin, where it met with graduates of previous years and held negotiations with the National Oil Corporation and other interested organizations.

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