Green forest - green planet: students of RUDN at the volunteer spring week clean-up

Green forest - green planet: students of RUDN at the volunteer spring week clean-up

April 27, 48 volunteers from 20 countries did the cleaning on the territory of the Troparevsky forest park zone adjacent to the campus of the university. Ecological action has become part of the city project "Spring Week of Good."

Students and graduates of the country's “greenest” university care about issues of ecology and environmental cleanliness, so they began to clean the forest near the campus. The volunteers faced the task of not only collecting garbage, but also sorting it into plastic, glass and metal, which will be sent for recycling, as well as other waste.

In two hours of cleaning, the volunteers managed to collect and sort over 10 bags of garbage.

In memory of the clean-up, all participants received memorable badges “I love RUDN”. At the end of the event, all participants were invited to a gala concert and a picnic organized by the Women's Committee.

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