Stepping into a new decade: RUDN University celebrates its birthday

Stepping into a new decade: RUDN University celebrates its birthday

We are lighting stars, expanding horizons and changing reality — the University is celebrating the 61st Birthday. Borders are closed, but we have managed to bring together hundreds of students, alumni and staff from different countries. We talked about achievements of 2020 and set goals for 2021. We received video congratulations from alumni, presented state awards and held an online concert.

"In 2020, 5,000 graduates received diplomas. We enrolled 139 school students — Olympiad awardees and 4,000 foreigners. The 40th program of RUDN University got international accreditation. Our scientists have published 2.5 thousand scientific articles in international databases journals. Our geography has expanded: now we have students from 160 countries. We welcomed new students from Norway, Liberia, Malawi, Trinidad and Tobago, and Swaziland. We continued to go up in international rankings. We are now ranked 326 on the QS list of the best universities in the world. This is 2 times higher than 5 years ago.

We have picked up an incredible pace and do not intend to stop, no matter what the circumstances are. The challenges of 2020 have helped to redefine our potential. Total virtualization has given impetus to new strong initiatives.

We have created the first Digital Preparatory Faculty in Russia, so that talented foreigners can start studying at RUDN University even before arriving in Moscow. Now people from 18 countries are involved in this project.

We hosted the world’s first QS Summit on Linguistics and Contemporary Languages. We wanted to meet in person to show the multinationality of RUDN University, however, we had to do it online. We created a digital version of RUDN University simulating our lobby, lecture halls and classrooms. As a result, 300 leading linguists of the world from 50 countries were able to meet. We could not even hope for such geography in the face-to-face format.

We have refurbished the self-study areas and we continue to change the design of the study environment. It will be comfortable for study and creativity. The pilot design of the new dorm room is ready. RUDN multifunctional center will open soon. The plans are to transform the very landscape of the campus and make it more functional.

We have great potential at the university. We set new ambitious goals for 2025 and outlined priorities for 2030. A new decade awaits us, and I am sure that RUDN University will be able to make the world a better place.

Happy Holidays! Happy Birthday, RUDN University! " said Oleg Yastrebov, Rector of RUDN University.

“The establishment of Peoples’ Friendship University on February 5, 1960, became a worldwide phenomenon. As a result of our work, millions of people around the world have become involved in the university’s activities. Now students from 160 countries study at RUDN University. Graduates work in almost all countries.

During 5 years, the number of articles in the best journals of the world has increased 10 times, the citation rate of our scientists’ works — 10 times, the number of publications in international co-authorship — 9 times. This proves how competitive we are in a world with approximately 25,000 universities.

I wish our teachers to be more and more creative. I wish students to better use the potential of the university, because only in your student years will you be able to absorb what will be useful to you the whole life. In particular, the potential of friendship. Especially at a university with students of more than 500 ethnicities. We want to be proud of our students and alumni! Happy Birthday, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia ” Vladimir Filippov, President of the RUDN University.

“My first time in this hall was on September 1, 1994. We, students enrolled in the Faculty of the Russian language and general education disciplines, were addressed by Rector Vladimir Filippov. He then said words that seemed trivial to 1st-year students: ‘The most important thing you will learn at university is friendship.’ You understand these words only years later. The spirit of RUDN University penetrates into you in the variety of cuisines, different clothes and faces of people from different continents. It was a great honor for me today to present awards to my colleagues. Looking back at the list of awardees, you understand how curious everything is ... At the preparatory faculty, the Russian language was taught by Uldanay Maksutovna Bakhtikireeva. I strongly doubt that she will remember preparatory faculty student Petya, but our group remember her very well. Thank you for the kindness and knowledge that you gave us. We are grateful to everyone! Happy birthday, dear university! Happy birthday to all employees and students! ” said Pyotr Kucherenko, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, graduate 2001of the Law Faculty of RUDN University.

Pyotr Kucherenko presented state awards — Badges of Honor of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Certificates of Honor from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation to the staff of RUDN University:

  • Larisa Efremova, Vice-Rector for International Affairs — Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree;
  • Uldanay Bakhtikireeva, Professor of the Department of the Russian Language and Intercultural Communication of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences — Certificate of Honor of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education;
  • Ekaterina Degtereva, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Faculty of Economics — Certificate of Honor of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education;
  • Anna Zhukova, Deputy Dean for Personnel Policy of the Faculty of Science — Certificate of Honor of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education;
  • Ivan Zaryadov, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Informatics and Probability Theory, Faculty of Science — Certificate of Honor of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education;
  • Andrey Zimakov, Deputy Director of the Law Institute — Certificate of Merit of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education;
  • Sergey Zinkovsky, Acting Director of the Law Institute. Title of honor “Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation”;
  • Ekaterina Kazakova, Vice-Rector for Personnel Policy and Administrative Work — Certificate of Honor of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education;
  • Evgeny Komlev, Associate Professor of the Department of Municipal Law of the Law Institute — Breastplate “Young Scientist”;
  • Vladislav Korolkov, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Science — Certificate of Honor of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education;
  • Elena Kruglikova, Deputy Director of the Ecological Institute — Certificate of Honor of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education;
  • Oksana Savchina, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit, Faculty of Economics — Breastplate “Young Scientist”;
  • Alexander Svintsov, Professor of the Department of the Engineering Academy — Honorary title “Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation”;
  • Natalia Sokolova, Director of the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​- Medal “For impeccable work and distinction” III degree;
    Lilia Sorokina, department assistant of the Russian language department of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences — Certificate of Merit of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education;
  • Nadezha Stashevskaya, Associate Professor of the Department of the Engineering Academy — Honorary title “Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation”;
    Tatyana Fedorova, Associate Professor of the Department of the Agricultural and Technological Institute — Certificate of Merit of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education;
  • Avedik Tsaritov, Chief Engineer of the Chief Engineer Service — Certificate of Merit of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education;
    Sergey Shakirov, Deputy Director of the Law Institute — Certificate of Honor of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

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