Their faces are hidden behind medical masks, but their eyes radiate calm and confidence

Their faces are hidden behind medical masks, but their eyes radiate calm and confidence

Residents of RUDN Medical Institute are real heroes. Today, in the frame of the project “Masked Faces” we will talk about three young professionals who help doctors in Moscow.

“I try to install optimism in patients,” Grigory Popov, resident, future TB specialist
Volunteer at the Consultative and Diagnostic Center No. 2 near Preobrazhenskaya Square

I had no doubt whether to help Moscow doctors or not. I have been working in the medical center No. 2 for a week now: I visit patients, examine them and give them sickness certificates. We are 10 residents, and each of us now has 15-20 calls per day. The shift lasts 12 hours - this of course is very exhausting, but we cope. Keeping calm is very important. In residency, my specialization is phthisiology, so I have long been immune to fear. And I am trying to install optimism in my patients and colleagues.

“I work as usual and help students in the hostel,” - Mrueh Ali (Lebanon), resident, future cardiologist
Volunteer at RUDN Medical Center

Now, students who live in the hostels even when they feel a little unwell, try to play it safe and call a doctor. It is clear that the burden on doctors has become greater. And although the situation is non-standard, I work as usual - I help to receive patients and visit them in hostels. Usually this is 2-4 calls per day. If there is a suspicion of a coronavirus, we immediately call an ambulance. If it is a cold, tonsillitis or bronchitis, then we send the patient for an additional examination, general and biochemical blood count, fluorography and ultrasound. According to the results we prescribe treatment at home or hospitalize the patient. Those who stay in bed at home are watched by residents and medical students who have volunteered to help. It seems to me that the situation in Russia will be easier than in many countries - I see this from the actions of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

“Now human attention and professional help are especially needed,” - Aislu Davletova, resident, future radiologist
Volunteer in Polyclinic #170 in South Chertanovo

A doctor should always empathize with the patient - not be cold-blooded and work like a robot. Now human attention and professional help are especially needed. I help general practitioners - I receive patients who have no temperature. When all this ends, and I am sure it will, I will continue mastering MRI and CT. I don’t think the world will be the same, but we will return to normal life anyway.

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