Where can I receive money transfers from abroad? Is it possible to study remotely? What will happen to my personal belongings left in the hostels? Rector of RUDN University Oleg Yastrebov had a second meeting with international students

Where can I receive money transfers from abroad? Is it possible to study remotely? What will happen to my personal belongings left in the hostels? Rector of RUDN University Oleg Yastrebov had a second meeting with international students

March 15, RUDN Rector Oleg Yastrebov met with international students for the second time in one month, talking to 41 presidents of university national communities who gathered in the hall and more than 3,000 participants online, in two hours answering 59 questions.

Popular topics included difficulties with paying for tuition, banks peculiarities, insurance adjustment, financial assistance, personal belongings in hostel buildings and the opportunity to study using distance technologies.

About personal belongings in the hostel:

“If accommodation is paid for, then we do not evict the student with his/her things. If the student left in December and did not pay for the hostel for the second semester, the fee is not charged. If a student has been absent for 30 days, we will give the room to another student. To do this, we write to the student at corporate mail three days before collecting things left in the hostel. We call him on the phone. If it is a foreign student, we inform the head of the national community. And only after that, a special commission with a representative of the community collects the student's things in boxes. The boxes will have labels with the student's data — last name and first name, year, field of study and country. All things will be stored in Hostel 15 and wait for the student to return, — said Oleg Yastrebov, Rector of RUDN University. — The student will have the right for accommodation in a hostel. When the student returns, he will have priority for getting the same room. If it is not vacant, we will try to accommodate the student in the same building of the hostel and on the same floor.

For questions related to RUDN University hostels:

Whatsapp +7 903 133 48 47
Head of Residential Services Department
Danil Oleynikov oleynikov-d@rudn.ru

About “distance learning”:

“International students have the right to either study in-person or with the help of distance technologies. The dean's office of the faculty, institute or academy is obliged to ensure this. But before making such a decision — think twice. <...> For graduate students of the Medical institute, we strongly recommend either studying in-person or taking an academic leave”, — said Oleg Yastrebov, Rector of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. “We are now trying to make sure that postgraduate students, who are outside the Russian Federation, can take the PhD exams and undergo the pre-defense and defense procedure with the help of remote technologies.”

About tuition fees:

“Many international students have foreign currency accounts at Raiffeisenbank. It is not under sanctions, is not disconnected from SWIFT, and if a student has a foreign currency account in this bank and money on it, it can be transferred to the university’s account,”- said Olesya Saginbayeva, Head of RUDN University Commercial Department. “You can also withdraw rubles from this account at the rate of the bank.”

“We have given all foreigners tuition fees deferral until May 1. If the situation does not change, we will extend the delay. <...> Also upon application to the commission students can have a discount”, — noted Olesya Saginbayeva.

“Neither fines nor late fees will be charged. If someone has already paid the fines, we will set them off as payment for the next semester,” said Oleg Yastrebov.

For questions about tuition fees, deferral and installment payments:

Contact center:
+7 (499) 936-87-87

Commercial department:
Phone: +7 (495) 787-38-03, + 22-45.
Email: commercial.dept@rudn.ru.

About health insurance:

“All foreign students who are not in Russia, we are ready to recalculate the cost of medical insurance from 2020. If the student paid for the insurance and did not use it due to absence from Russia, it is necessary to write an application to the Medical Center. Graduate students should get their money back,” said Elena Apasova, Vice-Rector for Strategic Communications at RUDN University.

To recalculate the cost of the policy, please contact RUDN University Clinical and Diagnostic Center: https://www.rudn.ru/media/news/life-in-rudn/kdc-rudn-pereraschet-stoimosti-medicinskogo-polisa

About financial assistance:

Usually financial assistance is accrued at the end of the month. Now emergency financial assistance can be received 3 days after the application. The amount is determined by the commission individually for each case.

“Foreign students can contact the Office of Student Affairs in Room 339 in the main building. Within 3 days, material assistance will be transferred to the bank card. If you don’t have a card, then you can get money at the university’s cash desk,” said Sergey Bazavluk, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs at RUDN University.

Office of Student Affairs


Vice-Rector for Student Affairs
Sergei Bazavluk

The first meeting of the Rector with foreign students of the university took place on March 1 

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