5th Anniversary of the RUDN University Chapter of Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology

5th Anniversary of the RUDN University Chapter of Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology

On November 15, 2018, as part of the program of the International Conference of Young Researchers "Psychological Science and Practice", a Round Table dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the first and only Russian chapter of Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, at the RUDN University was held.

The chapter of Psi Chi was installed at the Philological Faculty on October 11, 2013 during the traditional Science Festival, when 23 new members joined it. Currently, 34 people are members of the chapter of Psi Chi at the RUDN University.

The Round Table was attended by the faculty from the Department of Social and Differential Psychology (most of whom are members of Psi Chi); the Psi Chi members who joined the society in different years (alumni, graduate students, undergraduate students); the conference participants from different universities, as well as graduate and undergraduate students of the Department of Social and Differential Psychology of the Philological Faculty.

At the beginning of the meeting, the congratulations received from the USA colleagues were read out. Firstly, it was a welcoming letter from the Psi Chi Board of Directors addressed to all members of the Chapter. They expressed their gratitude for the contribution to the preparation and professional development of psychology students, as well as strengthening the authority of Psi Chi as a whole. The Psi Chi Board of Directors also sent a commemorative certificate in honor of the 5th anniversary of the chapter at the RUDN University, signed by President of the Society R. Eric Landrum and Executive Director Martha Zlokovich.

Secondly, it was a congratulatory letter addressed to the Rector of the RUDN University, prof. Vladimir M. Filippov, Dean of the Philological Faculty, prof. Victor V. Barabash, Head of the Department of Social and Differential Psychology, prof. Sergei I. Kudinov, from the professor of Fordham University (USA) Harold Takooshian, who was the initiator of installing the Psi Chi chapter at RUDN University. In particular, Professor Takooshyan noted that “Even five years after 2013, though there are many outstanding universities in Russia, RUDN remains the only Psi Chi chapter among the 1,100 institutions in Russia--continuing to serve as a model for other schools. Hearty congratulations and thanks to RUDN on your inspiring leadership.”

The ceremony also featured the congratulations to the audience from the Associate Professor Alexander Y. Voronov, Ph.D. in Biology (Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences). Starting in 2010, he made a significant contribution to the establishment of international contacts of the Department of Social and Differential Psychology and the installing of the Psi Chi chapter at the RUDN University.

Further on, a presentation on the history of the Psi Chi chapter at the RUDN University, as well as the perspectives and advantages that membership offers for

students, was made by the Associate Professor Elena Yu. Chebotareva, Ph.D. in Psychology, who had been a Faculty Advisor for 5 years. Associate Professor Irina A. Novikova, Ph.D. in Psychology (current Faculty Advisor) told the audience about the achievements of the chapter members over the past 5 years. Short reports were made by the members of the chapter who had joined it in different years: Marina Gridunova, Elina Kaminskaya, Nadezhda Anfimova, Karl Marin Jerez, Sayad Kardashova and Alexey Kharitonenko.

Valeria Tarkhova, President of the Psi Chi Chapter at the RUDN University, told the audience about the main events (conferences, master classes, scientific competitions, grants, etc.) that were organized under the auspices of the chapter during these 5 years.

At the end of the event the re-election of the Chapter Officers was held: Elina Kaminskaya (Assistant Professor of the Department of Social and Differential Psychology at the RUDN University) became President, Nadezhda Anfimova (3rd year postgraduate student of the Department of Social and Differential Psychology) became Vice-president, Sayad Kardashova (4th year undergraduate student in Psychology) became Secretary.

The work of the Round Table was held in an informal setting, the audience had the opportunity to ask questions, participate in the discussion. This event aroused interest among the participants, several students expressed a desire and readiness to join Psi Chi in the near future.

For reference:

Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, was founded at Yale University, one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the United States, in 1929. Since then, it has become one of the largest honor societies in the United States and around the world. Currently, Psi Chi has more than 750,000 members in the universities in the United States and several other countries. Membership in Psi Chi around the world is considered proof of the quality of psychological education and the students' research experience.

The main purpose of Psi Chi is to contribute to student scientific achievements through an extensive program of organizing conferences, publications, awards, local events on campuses and annual grants in the amount of $ 300,000 for students and their teachers. Read more on the website: https://www.psichi.org/

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