At RUDN, Yakov Sinai, Professor of Princeton University tells about the latest results in scientific studies on the Navier-Stokes equations

At RUDN, Yakov Sinai, Professor of Princeton University tells about the latest results in scientific studies on the Navier-Stokes equations

Professor of Princeton University, laureate of the Abel Prize Yakov Sinai made a presentation at RUDN Mathematical Institute n.a. Nikolsky.

June 8, 2018, at a meeting of a scientific seminar on differential and functional-differential equations under the supervision of Professor A.L. Skubachev (Mathematical Institute n.a. Nikolsky) prof.Yakov Sinai made a report: "Navier-Stokes System and Renolmalization Group Theory".

Y. Sinai is a laureate of many prestigious Russian and international prizes. He was awarded the A.Markov Prize. (1989), the Heinemann Prize (1990), the Israeli Wolff Prize (1996), the J. Moser Prize (2001), the Nemmers Prize (2002), the Henri Poincaré Award (2009) and others, as well as L. Boltzmann medal 1986) and P. Dirac medal (1993). In 2013, he received the Leroy Steele Award of the American Mathematical Society. In 2014, the Academy of Sciences of Norway awarded him the Abel Prize.

The main works of the professor lie in the field of both mathematics and mathematical physics, especially probability theory, the theory of dynamical systems, ergodic theory, and other mathematical problems of statistical physics. Of great importance are his works on geodesic flows on surfaces of negative curvature. Many achievements in the field of mathematics are named after him, including such as the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, the Sinai billiards, the Sinai random walk hypothesis, the Sinai-Bowen-Ruel measure and the Pirogov-Sinai theory. A large series of works is devoted to the theory of scattering billiards - "Sinai billiards".

At the seminar professor shared the latest results of scientific research on the Navier-Stokes equations and the new mathematical apparatus (Renolmalization Group Theory), allowing to advance in the study of the global solvability of the Navier-Stokes equations.

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