European experts suggested new approaches to regulating external migration

European experts suggested new approaches to regulating external migration

16-17 November, RUDN hosted an international round table «Issues of external migration and citizenship. Do we need new approaches?». Experts from Russia, Germany, Greece, France, Italy, Austria and Bulgaria gave an objective assessment to modern migration processes and suggested solutions.

The event is held in the frame of permanent Russian-German-French expert’s dialogue on the questions of migration, citizenship and related issues of linguistic and civilizational field.

The experts’ meeting is held by RUDN University (“Migration issues” laboratory headed by Vice-Rector A.Dolzhikova), “Russky Mir” Foundation and the Institute of linguistic, civilizational and migration processes with the participation of the embassies of Germany, France and Bulgaria. Among experts RF MFA Ambassador Eleonora Mitrofanova, Vice-President of Bulgaria Iliana Yotova, ex-Vice Minister of Interior of France, ex-member of the European Parliament and National Assembly of France Ivan Blo, ex-Minister of foreign affairs of Italy Franco Frattini, Director of the European organization of civil rights Spiridon Flogaitis (Greece) and other honored figures. They talked about the current situation regarding external migration and the proceeding issues of citizenship.

French, German and Russian experts delivered public lectures for students of Law, Political science, International relations and Sociology.

The participants expressed their views on migration policy of the EU and RF often sharing opinions on illegal migration, fighting terrorism and extremism and efficient cultural and language adaptation and integration of new migrants. However, German and French experts expressed their concerns regarding countries of the European community with different migrations regulations. The Russian experts suggested recommendations on improving the Russian migration legislation, stressing the peculiarity of interethnic and intercultural processes in the post-Soviet territory. All participants agreed that if migrants’ flows become controlled this crisis may turn into a beneficial situation for the host country.

“Migration crisis has become global”, said Eleonora Mitrofanova. “Today there are about 244 million migrants in the world and that is 3% of the world population.”

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