Intercultural communication in the context of global integration and the fourth industrial revolution

Intercultural communication in the context of global integration and the fourth industrial revolution

On February 28, 2023, invited lector Dương Thu Hằng (Head of Department of Vietnamese Literature, Faculty of Philology, Thai Nguyen University, Vietnam) gave lecture entitled “Intercultural communication in the context of global integration and the fourth industrial revolution” within the framework of academic and methodological online seminar of the Foreign Languages Department of the Agrarian and Technological Institute of RUDN University. The lecture was held online via Microsoft Teams. Languages — the Vietnamese language, the English language & the Russian language.

The lecture convened the staff of the Foreign Languages Department of the Agrarian and Technological Institute, Ph.D. students and students enrolled in “Translator” program at the Agrarian and Technological Institute. The event attracted an audience of 122 participants.

The lecture explored the phenomenon of intercultural communication in the light of cultural diversity, evolving trends and developments in technology and globalization with emphasis on national and cultural specificities concerning interconnection and interaction of language and culture in Vietnam. Among questions addressed through the lens of the concept of intercultural communication in Vietnamese modern scientific paradigm were globalization and regionalization.

During the course of the lecture theoretical and practical aspects of the complexity of the concept of intercultural communication, its potential in the light of intensifying global integration and the impact of the fourth industrial revolution were viewed with special emphasis on challenges in the field of education, foreign language learning and scientific research in Vietnam.

The lecture was followed by interactive Q&A session.

“The lecture held by Dr. Dương Thu Hằng was very inspiring for all of us, both teachers and students. Dr. Dương Thu Hằng touched upon several inspiring topics during her lecture, mainly focusing on the study and practice of communication across cultural contexts. Her speech delved deeper into the recognition and respect of cultural differences, promoting the development of intercultural sensitivity in order to enable empathic understanding and mutual adaptation rather than simple assimilation of cultural differences. In conclusion, her talk was decisive to acquaint with the concept of intercultural communication meant as mutual creation of meaning across cultures” — Lucio Giuliodori, Associate Professor, Foreign Languages Department, Agrarian and Technological Institute, RUDN University.

“I was invited to participate in the seminar of the Foreign Languages Department of the Agrarian and Technological Institute of RUDN University and speak on intercultural communication and I accepted the invitation with great pleasure because of my love for Russia and warm memories of my recent trip to Russia last December and visit to the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The online format of the seminar, of knowledge exchange proved to be productive and very efficient and I was happy to see kind smile of the head of the Foreign Languages Department and genuine interest in the eyes of attentive serious-minded attendees. I wish to thank organizers of the seminar and, especially, Nguyen Thi Minh Nguyet, lecturer at the Department, for interpreting. Very interesting and thought-provoking questions were discussed throughout the interactive part of the seminar which I personally find very useful in terms of further study of the concept of intercultural communication. I look forward to developing such productive professional relations!” — invited lector Dương Thu Hằng, Head of Department of Vietnamese Literature, Faculty of Philology, Thai Nguyen University, Vietnam

“The esteemed lecturer focused on the contemporary concept of intercultural communication, trends in this field and the effect of technological changes on intercultural communication in Vietnam. Furthermore, it was a wonderful opportunity to learn about certain aspects of development of Vietnam through the idea that intercultural communication is an important aspect of relations with foreign countries, international relations. I would like to thank the Foreign Languages Department of ATI for this opportunity to meet esteemed scholar Dr. Dương Thu Hằng from Vietnam online, speak to the lecturer and ask questions. Look forward to new seminars!” — Yan Gribkov, fourth-year student, Institute of Medicine, RUDN University

“Thank you for organizing this scientific event. I was glad to participate in the seminar and explore the modern approach in Vietnam to the concept of intercultural communication in the light of globalization, linguistic barriers, existing technologies and future technological shift. I really enjoy participating in this type of seminars as it is a great way for Ph.D. students to enrich their intellectual life and develop a range of important skills in the context of intercultural communication and international academic activities. Look forward to new seminars” — Kseniya Kondrashkina, Ph.D. student, Agrarian and Technological Institute, RUDN University

“I absolutely liked the lecture by Duong Thu Hang, head of the Department of Vietnamese Literature of the Thai Nguyen University, Vietnam. We learned about some of the subtleties and problems in communication between people who belong to different cultures and different subcultures. It was very interesting to find out the details of communication with versatile people, since each person needs an individual approach.” — Victoria Dubravina, student enrolled in “Translator” program at the ATI, RUDN University

“I really enjoyed attending the seminar and was inspired by it. It was very useful to learn about the difficulties and issues in intercultural communication in the context of modern Vietnam, as well as current proposals to improve the effectiveness of intercultural communication. Thank you for the experience!” — Anastasia Kostomarova, Foreign Languages Department, Agrarian and Technological Institute, RUDN University

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