RSS forms professional field for students training in spacecraft control

RSS forms professional field for students training in spacecraft control

«Russian Space Systems» corporation (RSS is part of State corporation «Roskosmos») together with RUDN starts a large-scale experiment on practical training of future specialists in the rocket and space industry.

Within this project the students will get an opportunity to participate in controlling nano-class spacecraft TNS-0№2 created in RSS and to interact with the company’s specialists to work out tasks on modeling working processes on board based on actual telemetry information of the spacecraft.

The nano-satellite was launched on the 17th of August. The information from the board and control process will be used as «live» didactic materials for future specialist in rocket and space industry.
Director General of RSS Andrey Tyulin: «Professional environment creation in higher educational institutions will allow to form necessary competences of future specialists at the learning stage. They will come to the enterprises with ready projects and with professional realities understanding not just with obsolete theoretical knowledge which has to be conformed with modern practice.
It is necessary to integrate certain model and project forms of professional practice in educational process. Joint nano satellite control is a draft project of a big program of practical education which we are elaborating along with the main higher educational institutions of Russia.»

By the time TNS-0 №2 was launched the students had undergone special theoretical training for spacecraft control. They got an opportunity to get acquainted with the device and to take part in its design. Practical classes will begin in the near future.

Rector of RUDN Vladimir Filippov: «Graduate and postgraduate students of RUDN Institute of Space Technologies of are getting ready to take part in spacecraft control. They will gather statistics, take part in telemetry information processing. In the future, this practice will become a base for preparation of scientific papers and publications on small nanoclass spacecraft application, designing a pay load for them and creating satellite groupings based on them. Students who come up with original ideas will be able to do their practical implementation at work in RSS. Appropriate agreements have been reached.»

After the project of practical learning on the base of spacecraft TNS-0 №2 RSS is planning to develop cooperation with other universities. The priority will be given to the universities which RSS has special educational programs with. Besides RUDN there is MSU, MAU, Bauman MSTU, Moscow Institute of Engineers in Geodesy, Aerophotography and Cartography and MEI National Research University
For 70 years JSC «Russian Space Systems» has been developing, manufacturing, testing, delivering and operating on board and ground equipment and information systems for space applications. The main activities are creation, development and targeted use of global navigation satellite system GLONASS; ground control system for space vehicles; space search and rescue systems, hydrometeorological support, radio engineering support for scientific research of outer space; ground stations for reception and processing of Earth remote sensing information. 

The integrated structure of «Russian Space Systems» unites the leading enterprises of space tool engineering in Russia: Scientific Research Institute of Precision Instruments (JSC NII TP), Scientific and Production Association of Measuring Equipment (JSC NPO IT), Scientific Research Institute of Physical Measurements (JSC «NIIFI»), Special Design Bureau of MEI (JSC «OKB MEI») and Scientific and Production Organization «Orion» (JSC «SPA» Orion»).

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