RUDN expert participates in the 59th Convention of the Association for International Studies in San Francisco

RUDN expert participates in the 59th Convention of the Association for International Studies in San Francisco

April 4-7, 2018, Head of RUDN Department of Theory and History of International Relations, D.Degterev, PhD, took part in the 59th Convention of the International Studies Association in San Francisco, USA.

April 4-7, 2018, Head of RUDN Department of Theory and History of International Relations, D.Degterev, PhD, took part in the 59th Convention of the International Studies Association in San Francisco, USA, delivering a report «Russia as an international donor: soviet legacy vs conventional pragmatism», attending several conference sessions, holding talks with scientific editors of the leading scientific publications of the world discussing publication of RUDN academics’ monographs.

The Association for International Studies was founded in 1959, and is one of the oldest interdisciplinary associations for the study of international, transnational and global problems. The Association brings together over 7,000 members from around the world, including academics, practitioners, policy experts, private sector workers and independent researchers. The 59th Convention Convention was the most numerous - about 5 thousand researchers took part in more than 1,300 sessions. The next convention will be held in March 2019, in Toronto, Canada.

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23 Oct 2024
RUDN University Space Week 2024: Outcomes

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18 Jan 2024
RUDN University agronomist found wheat genetically resistant to fungus

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