“The key aspect in teaching is communication”, - Ekaterina Zvereva says at the International Conference on Psychology, Language and Teaching in Brazil

“The key aspect in teaching is communication”, - Ekaterina Zvereva says at the International Conference on Psychology, Language and Teaching in Brazil

Ekaterina Zvereva, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages at the Law Institute, presented the paper “Oral Interaction Methodology in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language” at the International Conference on Psychology, Language and Teaching (ICPLT). The conference was held February 24-25 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

Ekaterina Zvereva devoted her research to the problem of teaching foreign languages in the context of constantly changing technologies and methods of teaching language. However, despite constant transformations, communication is the key aspect in teaching. Based on this, the author of the report makes the statement that communication (mostly oral) involves much more skills and abilities than simple encoding and decoding of the language message. This is a linguistic action, which combines various content and thought processes, controlled and directed by speakers to achieve communicative success.

Thus, the author found:

  1. the need to provide students with all the tools for interaction (characteristics of oral speech, typology of texts, communication strategies, conversation tactics, etc.);
  2. the importance of using activities in curricula that contribute to the development of oral speech skills, skills of participation in conversation and negotiation (skills of functional communication and social interaction).

In addition to her presentation, Ekaterina shared with foreign colleagues her experience and methods of teaching foreign languages at the Law Institute of the RUDN University. She noted interesting and lively communication of interested people, the opportunity to compare teaching methods, extracurricular work, issues of discipline and interaction with students, equipment of universities with technologies, as well as involvement of distance learning and inverted lesson techniques.

The conference is organized by the International Institute of Engineers and Researchers (IIER). The main objective of the event is the globalization of education for research scientists from different regions and communication with each other through a common platform, as well as the promotion of publications in various fields of research. The conference was attended by researchers from China, USA, Iran, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, India, Malaysia, Brazil, Romania etc.

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