
The practical application of Distance Learning based on the teaching experience of Russian in an Italian classroom (using the author’s multimedia courses “Kraski-A1” and “Kraski-A2”)


Simona Berardi



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Serafima Khavronina

This dissertation analyses the methodological possibilities of using the course management system Moodle as a computer-based instructional tool in the study of Russian as a foreign language in the new blended e-learning educational environment. It describes the content and technological possibilities of applying information technology to language learning in order to improve effectiveness. It makes reference to the organization of courses at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Political Sciences, within the e-project “Russian Language on Moodle” using the author’s multimedia courses “Kraski-A1” and “Kraski-A2”. E-learning of Russian as a foreign language on Moodle is presented as a new form of learning and teaching in which a more active student-teacher interaction and student-student interaction intensifies the development of the student’s communicative competence outside the language learning environment. It shows the forms of communication in the new educational environment (e.g. forums and blogs) in the age of Web 2/0 that encourages the improvement of the students’ language skills and proficiency in written communication.

Linguistic cultural images of Russia and China in the art works of the representatives of the Far Eastern Russian emigration


Cui Liwei



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Viktor Shaklein

The thesis is the first attempt to describe the linguistic cultural images of Russia and China in the prose and poetic works of representatives of the Far East emigration. In the course of using language tools in the creation of both countries linguistic cultural image on a material of texts of Russian poets and writers, created in conditions of the Far East emigration. The analysis is performed using the method of linguistic-cultural analysis of a literary text. The results and study findings can be used in the development of theoretical courses on cultural linguistics, linguistic geography, analysis of a literary text, cross-cultural communication. The complete description of linguistic resources can be used in the classroom for Russian as a foreign language, as well as in the Chinese audience.

Intonational Organization Conceptually Significant Lexemes in Russian Political Discourse (on the example of the 2012 election campaign)


Olga Sveshnikova



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Viktor Shaklein

This research is devoted to lexemes conceptually significant in Russian political discourse in linguistic and cultural situation of the election campaign of 2012. It is the subject of a special research for the first time. Conceptually meaningful lexemes is actualized in the political leaders’ speech by intonation means (the place of intonation center, syntagmatic segmentation, type of intonation construction). The research makes a certain contribution to specification and development of conceptually significant lexemes, linguistic and cultural situation, the cultural and thematic field The study materials can be used in lecture courses on political, cognitive, cultural linguistics, linguistics, theory of text, stylistics, intonational analysis of text, in teaching Russian as a foreign language.

Medical net-discourse: linguistic and communicative-pragmatic characteristics


Kristina Akhnina



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Viktor Shaklein

The research is devoted to the analysis of linguistic features and communicative - pragmatic characteristics in medical net- medical discourse. For the first time the concept of medical net – discourse has been introduced, the types and genres of medical net -discourse have been classified, their description from the perspective of communication theory has been held. In this work for the first time revealed the languages and features lingvopragmatiс network of medical communication, highlights the main graphic, style, syntax, word formation, lexical and textual features of medical net -discourse. The results of the research can be used in university courses theory of communication, verbal communication theory, speech culture, discourse theory, the theory of intercultural communication, as well as linguistic stylistics and text interpretation.

The semantic relationships of language and culture in the conceptually important Russian vocabulary from the position of the Senegalese linguistic tradition


Faje Fatu Diop



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Viktor Shaklein

The thesis is devoted to complex description of the relationship of language and culture at the level of lexical hubs content of the text, identify their hierarchy and functioning in the process of self-organization of the text and the discourse on the background of the Senegalese linguistic tradition. In the structure of the hub of the cultural meaning primarily distinguished the terms " linguocultural universal", " linguocultural dominant", " linguocultural detail", " linguocultural field." The author describes the reflection lexical content hubs in the process of self-organization of text and discourse on a material of Russian and Senegalese artistic works of the XX century. The study findings can be used in teaching special courses on cultural linguistics, linguistics of the text, in practical classes on style and interpretation of the text, as well as in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language.

Conditional language used by Russian-speaking youth in Vietnam: the linguistic-cultural aspect


Quach Thi Binh Tho



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Viktor Shaklein

The thesis is devoted to providing a linguistic and cultural analysis of the vocabulary of the conditional language used by Russian-speaking people on the background of Vietnam’s linguistic culture. It is aimed at analyzing the causes of forming the youth’s conditional language. It has been proved that the conditional language of the youth explicates a special type of culture: the underlying culture of the youth, and in the wider scope, the culture of the youth. The linguistic identity of the youth is reviewed in the capacity of the conditional language user. The analysis is conducted for the lexical-semantic structure of the conditional language used by the modern youth in the context of native linguistic culture and the modern Russian-speaking youth in Vietnam. We also study the influence by Vietnam’s linguistic culture on the conditional language of the Russian-speaking youth living in Vietnam. Materials of the thesis can be used in lectures for courses on general linguistics, lexicology linguistics and culture, in the scientific research be student, in making dictionaries and textbooks.

Perception of the cultural concept of wine in French, Italian, Spanish, English and Russian axiological world view based on contrastive analysis of paroemias


Polina Loginova



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Natalya Naydenova

The study focuses on the contrastive analysis of paroemias denoting cultural concept «wine» in French, Italian, Spanish, English and Russian axiological world view. It is determined that idiomatic expressions related to the abovementioned concept constitute an important source of cultural information for the interpretation of the worldview fixed in collective consciousness. Semantic features of paroemias, which are reviewed in comparison to each other, allow to reveal the peculiarities of cultural mentality and national character of the French, Italians, Spanish, English and Russians from the point of view of their attitude to wine as a cultural and historical phenomenon. It is defined that difficulties of interpretation as well as translation of phraseological units are caused by the differences in perception of this concept as well as the absence or presence of similar connotations. The lexemes related to the concept of wine in French, Italian, Spanish, English and Russian languages represent profound linguistic material that is worth being analyzed within the framework of intercultural communication, linguistics and cultural studies. The practical significance of the study is determined by the ability to apply its results to contrastive lexicography and elaborate theory and practice of various contrastive language studies.

Toponymy of Spanish-speaking South America and Brazil: demonyms and the metaphorical aspect


Marija Radović



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Olga Tchesnokova

The present paper investigates the toponymic system οf Spanish-speaking South America and Brazil as an onomastic layer from linguistic and culturological points of view. The author singles out the main tendencies regarding word formation and etymology of toponyms, demonyms and toponymic periphrases in Spanish-speaking countries in South America, as well as in Brazilian Portuguese. The comparative quantitative analysis of the suffix productivity in demonyms has been conducted for the first time in the given region. Moreover, the research deals with formation and morphological changes in demonyms and presents their systematization according to the formal and pragmatical criteria. The metaphorical components of the South American toponymic periphrases have been described and classified for the first time. The linguistic material of the given body of research can be used for both scientific and teaching purposes: as an element of theoretical and practical courses in Spanish lexicology and morphology, semiotics, cultural linguistics, as well as in composing dictionaries.

Humorous discourse in the Spanish and Basque lingual cultures: a comparative analysis


Yulia Sanchez



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Olga Tchesnokova

The thesis deals with the study of humorous discourse in order to interpret and reconstruct significant fragments of the Spanish and Basque linguistic worldview. For the sake of better understanding of this linguocultural space we recur to a complex analysis of nationally marked lexical units and ethnic components as stereotypes and other manifestations of national character traits reflected in jokes. A contrastive multidisciplinary approach to humorous discourse allows to reveal the most relevant ‘indicators’ of belonging to a certain cultural environment, to analyze particularities of interactions within the triad "language-mentality-picture of the world" and to clarify factors that determine national specifics of these correlations. The results and materials of the research can be used in teaching a foreign language, in theoretical and practice courses on translation, lexicography of the Spanish and Basque languages, semiotics, cultural linguistics, intercultural communication, as well as in other scientific disciplines involved in the study of the interaction of language, mentality and culture.

Linguo-Pragmatic Analysis of Biblical Idioms in Russian, Spanish, Italian, French and English


Elena Reunova



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Olga Tchesnokova

The dissertation is the first experience of complex linguo-pragmatic study of phraseology of biblical origin in five languages: Russian, Spanish, Italian, French and English. Biblical idioms are regarded as precedent phenomena and means of pragmatic influence. The linguo-pragmatic analysis is based on more than 1,500 idioms of biblical origin in Russian, Spanish, Italian, French and English. The author identifies, systemizes and analyzes typological classifications of biblical phraseology according to their structural, semantic and functional features. The research stipulates the composition of idioms of biblical origin, mechanisms for their implementation in the relevant linguistic cultures. The author identifies and analyzes etymological, structural, semantic, cross-cultural and pragmatic parameters of biblical phraseology in five languages. The dissertation reveals and describes the functional peculiarities of idioms derived from the Bible and used in the modern media discourse in Russia, Spain, Italy, France and the United Kingdom. The study identifies and explains transformational methods for biblical idioms in print and electronic media as a means of artistic expression and pragmatic impact on the recipient. Research materials and proceedings can be used in the preparation of theoretical and practical courses in general linguistics, lexicology, phraseology, stylistics and translation, intercultural studies, as well as language courses and seminars in Spanish, Italian, French and English.